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Welcome to this video online induction course from Prometheus. Throughout this course you will watch a series of videos, answer some knowledge review questions, and then finally, take a short completion test. You can start and stop the course as often as you wish and return exactly where you left off. You can also watch any of the videos again at any time during and after the course. The course can be viewed on any device so if you wish you can start watching it on your computer and finish it on your smartphone or tablet. You can click on the corner of the video to pin the video to the top of your screen so you can read the text while watching the video. On each page of the course there is a text available to read about the subject covered to further support the video which you can view with subtitles by clicking the CC icon if you wish. There is also additional help available if you initially answer any of the questions incorrectly. Once you have passed the test, your completion certificate, certified CPD statements and evidence-based learning statements will be all available for you to print off. Please bring or send these to HR. There are many resources and links to support your induction training and these can also be accessed from the course homepage. We give you access to the course for eight months from when you started it, even after you have passed your test. Finally this course was filmed by real employees at our office at Fort Dunlop who you will meet when you visit the office. We hope you enjoy your course and we look forward to meeting you at Prometheus.