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As you near the completion of your induction course, there is a final few operational housekeeping rules that you need to be aware of there is a performance-based bonus that is currently in place at Prometheus for all staff, all details of this will be made clear to you when you undertake your in-person induction with us. Whilst working for Prometheus it is imperative that you take the responsibility in ensuring that you give yourself sufficient rest periods between shifts so that we can be sure that you can fulfill your role to its maximum capacity. Whilst also keeping yourself, your colleagues and your services are safe at all times. This is a duty of care that we must adhere to during your employment with Prometheus, we ask that you promote the company in a positive way, this is highlighted in the way you conduct yourself whilst working for us, but also by speaking to our customers and making them aware of the other services that we offer throughout the company.

There is a key pass that is kept in the key safe outside of the post room here in the basement at Fort Dunlap. This can be used to enter the office out of hours, if you need to gain access, can you please ensure this pass is returned before you leave the premises as the pass is used for multiple staff. The code for the key safe for where the pass is located can be given to you during your in-person induction. If you need access to the key safe, please contact the CLM who will be more than happy to provide you with the code.