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We require all registered mental health nurses to have a valid NMC pin to which Prometheus will carry out our own check. As an RMN, you will be the nurse in charge of the team when carrying out duties within the Prometheus group. The paperwork for each job carried out should be completed by the RMN where there is an RMN on the job. Each job sheet will be explained by each department throughout this course. Wherever there is an incidence, physical intervention carried out or a near miss, the relevant forms must be completed by the RMN where they are present. Handcuffs are only to be utilized once all of the restrictive interventions have been attempted, unless stated by Ministry of Justice restrictions for the service user. Only the RMN can authorize the use of handcuffs, but anyone that is handcuff trained can apply and remove them. The RMN must complete the handcuff authority form in full and then submit this along with the job sheets and any other relevant documentation. An incident form must also be completed to explain the rationale behind the use of handcuffs. Any time an RMN is unsure regarding any decisions to be made, they should consult with the clinical logistics manager.

The clinical logistics manager will have the on call manager to liaise with should further discussions be needed. Thank you.