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So this is the Patient Transfer Report form that you are required to fill in for every transport job. You will be given a job reference within your WhatsApp that is to be placed on every sheet at the top. When you get this form, we ask you to keep filling the collection details, the destination details, all of that is within your WhatsApp group. Then we ask you to put everybody's name, role and payroll number so that we can pay you. We then ask you that you put your Start Time, when everybody is at the vehicle, not the Start Time of the job on your message because this my vary. It cannot be until that everybody attends the ambulance.

We ask you to put the Start Mileage job and the Reg of the vehicle. And at the end of the job, you would put the Finished Mileage and the Finish Time; these are absolutely essential for payment for the Trust and for yourselves.

RMN on the job, or the team leader, will be required to ring the CLM to get the patient details. That includes name, date of birth, section or informal. When you arrive at destination, we ask you to complete a risk assessment between yourself and the nurse or at the destination.

Also, to complete a body map, this must be signed by the handover nurse at the collection point. And when dropping off a patient, it should be completed by the nurse at destination. Also, when collecting patient, we need to put how many property bags that is being checked, that we have got Section papers. And it needs to be signed by the person at collection address, the time that they handed over to yourselves. Also, when we get to the destination, we need the sign and the time that you handed over the patient. These things should not be completed unless you are satisfied with all paperwork that you have been provided with.

This is the last page that needs to be completed by the RMN or the team leader. This is to include any instance, any traffic delays, patient behavior. Also, you need to attach the instrument report and handcuff form to this. And that needs to be placed within the job box in the office in Birmingham.