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Okay, so now onto our ambulance checklist. This is a set of checks that you carry out before you go out on your job. Initially we start off with looking what the mileage is, we write that down. Obviously, once the job is finished, it does say finish mileage on there. So that is one that we have done, once the job is finished, once you get where you are.

Check down your fuel level. It says quarter of the tank in here, but we normally say nothing less than half a tank, it should not be. Making sure the ambulance is left clean and tidy by the previous team. If it is not, please dispose of all the rubbish before you go out on a job. Also, your clinical waste; make sure there is nothing on there for that, so dispose of that before you go out on a job too.

If your ambulance lights are working, so double check round your lights, front and rear lights. Tires, checking the treads on them, making sure they are fully inflated. If they are not, if you let me or Shawn know, we will get that sorted. Any vehicle warnings showing as well too. So if there is any lights on the dash or anything, please make us aware before you go out on the job, do not just take the ambulance. Making sure all the PPEs present in the back, any equipment that you need. If there is anything missing, please let the CLMs or the coordinators know and then myself or Shawn will get onto it. Making sure all the equipments been returned to the right place in the ambulance too. So making sure it is tied in, make sure it is all in order. Handcuffs, one cuff keys, stab vest, et cetera, still in there because they are essential for the jobs.

All patient properties are to be handed back to the receiving client, so make sure there is no patient property left in the back of the ambulance when this job is done. Making sure it is also refuelled. So like I said about the half a tank, once the job is done, we normally say to fill it all the way up to the top. Obviously always, no less than half a tank. If anything needs replenishing, please let us know on the sheet, so that will be around the last bit. So if you notice anything, any water needing any more PPE, if there is anything missing, like I said, let us know on the sheet, but also tell the CLMs too.

If there is any damage to the ambulance... So obviously after you finish your job, but at the start, please do check for any damage to mark it down just so we do not get Lawrence cross on who has damaged a vehicle and who has not. And other than that, any further issues, anything at all, you have got a box at the bottom here, if you want to fill that in for us, let us know. And then signature and your name on the bottom and that is your ambulance checklist done.