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Now to show you our complex care ambulances. These are virtually the same as the transport ambulances, just with a few differences. We do not transport patients in these vehicles, they are purely for transporting staff to and from complex care jobs. The rear of the ambulance holds a lot less stock as it is not needed because patients are not transported in this vehicle. The rear of the vehicle has the same seating layout as the transport ambulances too. Because if it is not transporting patients, we also do not need leather seats and hence the cloth seating. The front of the ambulance is exactly the same. They are still automatic, so the drive of the vehicle is exactly the same. They also do not have certain apps installed, but Apple CarPlay/Android Auto works through a USB connection. We do have three SKODA Estate cars, which are also complex care ambulances.

They are also used purely to transport staff to and from complex care jobs, so no patients will be transported in these either. The major difference being they are all manual, which will be familiar to most. But if there are any issues with driving a manual, please let me, Sean or the coordinators know. They are all petrol, so please be mindful when filling up to not accidentally fill up with diesel. We have placed petrol stickers on the outside of the fuel cap to minimize wrong fueling, but please be aware anyway. Onto our next ambulance service we provide, the wheelchair adaptive vehicle. You will require training to use the wheelchair ramp and the securing of a patient within a wheelchair. Please see myself or Sean to arrange the training. It is another automatic ambulance, so once again, the same applies for driving as the others. If you require assistance, talk to myself or Sean.

This vehicle does transport patients, so once again, handcuffs can be found in the glove box and metal detectors in either of the front door side compartments. PPE and stock is kept in compartments in the rear of the ambulance. Paperwork is kept in between the front seats in another compartment. So the last vehicle to show you, our specialized stretcher ambulance. Once again, you will require training to be able to work on a job which requires a stretcher facility. Please see me or Sean to get this arranged. Stock and PPE can be found above your head on each side of the ambulance in secure compartments. Handcuffs can be found in the glove box and metal detector can be found in either one of the side compartments in the front doors. Necessary paperwork can also be found in the front of the vehicle. A fuel filler cap can be found here. Once again, it is a diesel vehicle, so please be mindful when fuelling up. And that is the end of the induction for fleet. If you have any other queries or issues, please come inform myself or Sean and we will be happy to help.