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Whilst working within the Prometheus group, we require staff to be punctual, polite and professional throughout your duties. Punctuality is a key requirement within the Prometheus group, within the sector which we work in, it is imperative that we arrive on time to carry out the duties we are booked for. The job cannot start until all staff are present. Each department of the Prometheus group will explain response times throughout the duration of this course. When conveying a service user or commencing a complex care job, all service users must be searched. This search should be a pat down search to one layer of clothing and then the use of a metal detecting wand to ensure nothing has been hidden. Further information regarding where to find the wand will be given during the fleet part of this course. All coats must also be searched.

When accepting the responsibility for the care of the service user, it is important that this is not done until you have seen the service user and you are happy to accept responsibility. This would include the checking of Section papers for detained service users. This is to ensure that once the signature is being obtained from the collection location, that we are then able to convey the service user or commence the complex care job safely. All patient property must be placed in the boot of the vehicle and the number of bags accounted for on the transfer report. When working across the Prometheus group, we should never stop anywhere with the service user onboard, other than a police station or a hospital. If the service user request to use the toilet, it is imperative that if it is not possible to use the facilities available onboard that we only stop again at a police station or a hospital for the service user to use the toilet.

This is to prevent the service user absconding and eliminate any of the risks. If you are unsure of anything regarding stopping whilst the service user is onboard, please contact the CLM for further assistance. Whenever there is an incident, physical intervention carried out or a near-miss, an incident form must be completed. Where physical intervention is utilized, a physical intervention form must also be completed. All forms must be fully completed to ensure the whole incident is captured and any information needed for queries can be obtained. On jobs where an RMN is present, this would be the responsibility of the RMN. However, where the service user is informal and HDI presence would complete these. All incidents which result in staff or service user injury or damage to property are to be noted in the accident book for each part of the company.