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Hello, my name is Michelle Wright and I am the Operations Manager for Prometheus Safe & Secure. I started with the company eight years ago as a HealthCare Assistant on the ambulances, then moving on to the clinical logistical manager, before being offered the opportunity to be operations manager last year.

We currently have three bases; Birmingham being the head office, Exeter being our southwest base and Wellington being our northwest base. I am the line manager for all zero-hour staff. We complete spot checks for staff lateness and uniform standards.

Transport jobs are staffed as following: Informals, three Health Care Assistants; Section Patients, one RMN and three Health Care Assistants; High Risk Section Patients, one RMN and four HCAs.

Informal jobs are completed by three Health Care Assistants, unless the patient is under 18 years old, then it would be one RMN and two HCAs. An RMN would also be allocated whenever there is a risk present during the clinical logistical manager risk assessment. We would expect you to fill out the paperwork making sure that all boxes are filled in, as this is the paperwork using what the Trust are charged by and how pay will pay yourself.

If the vehicle breaks down and you are required to get out of the ambulance, ensure all serve issues are held using recognised physical intervention, to ensure the safety of the serve issues there. This would be for all serve issues as detained or informal.