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Hello and welcome to Prometheus. My name is Raj Chima and I am the Finance Director for the Prometheus group based in our Fort Dunlop headquarters. The business has had a hugely successful decade from a financial perspective, which has been particularly pronounced in the last few years. Our growth targets for the next three to five years continue to be highly ambitious as we look to break through to profitability in excess of £10 million, an ambition that you all have a key part to play in.

What I would like to talk about briefly is how we can make sure that we have all the information we need in Finance to ensure we continue to be focused on driving the success of the business. First and foremost, from the perspective of your own personal finances, we need to make sure that we have your correct bank details so that we can pay in a timely manner. These will be gathered as part of your onboarding. If you are joining us on a zero hours contract, then you will be paid on a weekly basis every Friday and if you are joining us on a contracted hours basis, then you will be paid on the last Friday of every month.

Your payroll number is a key piece of information that allows the Finance team to identify you. This needs to be quoted in any communication with the Finance and Payroll team. Your payroll number can be found on your payslip.

Each time you do a job, you will be asked to fill out a timesheet. Every field on the timesheet is mandatory and needs to be filled out to ensure that you are paid on time. Any omissions on the timesheet will lead to a delay in payment and also our ability to invoice our clients, so I cannot stress enough how important complete and accurate information is on each of the timesheets.

The cut-off for getting information into Payroll is 8am each Monday to ensure that you are paid as part of the payroll run that takes place on the Friday of that week. Expenses also need to be with us first thing on a Monday to be paid each Friday. Each expense claim needs to be accompanied by receipts, otherwise they will not be processed and paid.

All payroll queries need to be emailed to payroll@psecure.co.uk and we will endeavour to answer in a timely manner. Can you please ensure that all queries are made via email so that there is an audit trail and that they can be dealt with in the most time efficient way.

Once again, welcome to the Prometheus family and I wish you the very best in your new role with the business.