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Hello everyone. My name is Joel and I am the fleet supervisor working alongside the fleet manager, Sean. This is a short video to help and assist all aspects of working for Prometheus, from arriving to base for your first shift to returning to base and going home safely. Welcome to our office, located on floor six, Fort Dunlop, unit 603. You can find me and Sean if you have any issues throughout the day in this office here. This is the transport keys safe where you collect the keys from for the transport job you are travelling to. It is very important that you are only to take the keys to the vehicle that the CLM PCC coordinators have allocated to the job you are going on. You can find this in your WhatsApp group that you will have been added to for the job pending. If the wrong keys are taken, this can cause a logistical nightmare, so please take the keys that have been allocated. If the allocated keys are not in the keys safe, please contact CLM PCC coordinators for further assistance.

Now we will show you what you need to know and processes when it comes to our ambulances. First off, I will show you the back of the transport ambulance where all the stuff is kept. Here is where you can find all of the PPE and necessary items needed for the job commencing. In the rear of the vehicle is where yourself, the team and the patient will be sitting amid transport. You can find a set of handcuffs and ligature cutters in the glove box. Also, your metal detector in either of the side pockets of the front doors. Any paperwork will be kept in the folder on the front seats of the ambulance with a few spares under the passenger seat just in case. Fire extinguisher is always kept in its bracket just behind the driver's head. We ask all staff to keep the ambulances as clean and solid as possible, which means any rubbish within the ambulance is to be disposed of.

Now, to show you the basics of driving the ambulance. First of all, here is a diesel cap to fill the vans. Please use regular diesel only. Do not use the high-octane diesel, as it costs a lot extra, even if there is nothing else available at the pump. The van should never be run below half-empty, so you should always have enough to make it to the next fuel station. Our ambulances do use AdBlue and here is where to fill this if needs be. Do not mix the two up. All of the transport ambulances are automatic, which may be new to some. My best advice is to reuse your right foot only, keep the left foot out of the way. If you are struggling with any aspects of the driving, please see myself or Sean and we will assist as best as we can. The vans are fitted with front and rear parking sensors, which does help a lot. Electric seat adjustment can be found on the right-hand side of the driver's seat. The satnav is pretty much self-explanatory. Just type the address/post code into search and away you go.

In regards to speeding and parking fines, et cetera, please adhere to speed limits at all times and be aware of bus lanes too. The ambulances are all fitted with trackers to allow us to see where they are and what speed they are travelling at 24/7. Myself and Sean receive alerts as soon as the vehicle goes over any speed limit, so please be mindful. Any fines we receive in regards to speeding or parking and anything else will be narrowed down to the driver at the time of the offence and deducted from the next bonus. Any damage to the vehicle will also be recorded and narrowed down to the driver at the time any damage was caused, so please be upfront and let myself, Sean, or the CLMs or coordinators know so we can get it sorted quickly and effectively. Damage payments will also be deducted from bonuses over months depending on how severe the damage is. So please be careful. As part of your in-person induction, a driving orientation will be carried out by myself or Sean to ensure you are comfortable when behind the wheel. If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch.