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What I am about to do now is go through the Complex Care report and how it is required to filled in. Here is just a summary of a checklist for RMNs to go through during the shift. Here we have the time sheet, we record the time when we arrive at base, when we depart base, and when we arrive at the bed watch, totalling all hours in this column here. The RMN will then fill in a summary of the shift on this page, documenting any legal framework that the patient is on and signing where appropriate. We are expecting that if visible, the RMN will clearly record any marks on the patient on this page, this is for legal processes, should there be any.

This is the hand-over sheet. So when the RMN handover care to another RMN, they sign-in the time in which they are handing over. If we are carrying out a transfer of a patient for a bed watch that has ended, on this page, patient transfer form, we end the bed watch and then we start from when we transfer in the patient. The ending sheet needs to be signed by either the hospital nurse, if the patient is in a community setting, then it will be signed by the other RMN.

On this page, we've got the ambulance checklist. And this just gives a brief overview of the ambulance. And this sheet is a driving record for the ambulance, we record who was driving from the start of the shift to the ending of the shift.

This is the handing over form and this form is very important. For example, if we are taking over care on a hospital ward, the nurse on the ward will sign over care to us. If we are handing care back over to the nurse, then we will sign care back over to them. And this gives clear documentation of who is responsible for the patient and at what time they are responsible.

And this is your Complex Care report. Thank you.